Do They Celebrate Halloween in Colombia

Do They Celebrate Halloween in Colombia

As an American, October is when I start planning my Halloween costume. It’s also when I start day dreaming about things like fall leaves, pumpkin spice lattes, and the general joy of spooky season. 

But, what about here in Colombia?

While I can certainly say you’re not going to get sweater weather, there is something to be said for Halloween in Colombia. Here’s what you need to know about how this holiday is celebrated. 

Why Do They Celebrate Halloween in Colombia?

Colombians are some of the most resourceful people I know. They’re also a group of people that truly loves holidays. 

Put those two facts together, and it’s no surprise to hear that, yes, they celebrate Halloween in Colombia. 

The whole thing basically started because of American television and movies. Eventually, Colombians adopted the event for themselves. 

Of course, although the country officially celebrates the holiday on October 31st, most parties take place the closest weekend to Halloween. 

Triqui Triqui

Most of us have fond memories of going trick-or-treating as kids. That meant carrying your plastic pumpkin from door to door in your neighborhood.

In Colombia, things work a bit differently. 

Here, kids don’t shout “trick or treat” to ask for candy. Instead, they’ve got to sing a song called Triqui Triqui.

The song goes more or less like this:

Triqui Triqui Halloween

Quiero dulces para mi 

Si no hay dulces para mi

Se le crece la nariz
Tricky tricky Halloween

I want candy for me

If there are no candies for me

May your nose grow

I think I might take the “trick” over the growing nose!

Another difference between trick-or-treating in the US and Colombia is that it’s only for kids. You won’t find high schoolers or college students out trick or treating. 

Plus, kids don’t go door to door. Instead, they hit up malls and local businesses to ask for candy. 

Halloween Customs in Colombia

Courtesy of El País

You probably won’t be surprised to learn that Halloween customs in Colombia look a little bit different than they do in the US. 

For the most part, they involve: 

  • Parties at nightclubs
  • Mall events
  • Motorcycle parades

Let’s go over these a little bit more. 

Halloween at Local Nightclubs

Colombians are the life of the party, so whether it’s rock, salsa, or vallenato, Halloween in Colombia is definitely the time to party. 

Because of this, clubs and bars are generally responsible for putting on Halloween parties. This is a pretty big difference from the US, where most Halloween events are house parties. 

However, don’t let that stop you from going out. The Halloween events are a blast, with prizes for the best costumes and other fun activities. 

Halloween Events at Local Malls

Malls are the other place where you’ll really see Colombia come to life for Halloween. Typically, they’ll put up spooky decorations and host children’s events during the day. 

Sometimes there are also events in the evening for adults, including small live music events or costume parades. 

Costume Parades

I’ll never forget my first Halloween in Colombia. My husband and I decided to dress up in costumes and hit the streets—via motorcycle!

You see, here in Colombia, it’s not uncommon for an informal (or impromptu) motorcycle to take place. We happened to be in a village and actually went all the way around town and then to the next village over on the motorbike.

However, parades in bigger cities like Cali will just take you from one end of the city to the other.

Be prepared to go slow, and make sure you’ve got your costume ready. Then, follow cars blasting music and rev your engine along with the rest of the crowd.

Courtesy of Shock

Okay, so what are people dressing up as for Halloween in Colombia?

In general, the costumes aren’t that different from those in the US. You’ll find your typical ghosts, zombies, witches, pirates, and sexy nurses and cops. 

However, you’ll also find some other popular costumes cropping up on repeat each year: 

  • The Mad Hatter
  • Harry Potter
  • Princesses
  • Marvel or DC characters
  • Harley Quinn

I should also mention that every year you’ll find characters from whatever the current popular TV series is. For instance, there were lots of Squid Game appearances in 2021 as well as multiple Smash Jam characters. 

Where to Go and What to Do on Halloween in Colombia

If you find yourself in Colombia around Halloween time, there are plenty of ways to celebrate. Here are a couple of my personal favorite ways to enjoy the Halloween season. 

Watch a Horror Movie

Scary movies are always a good idea at Halloween time, and unlike what you might think, Colombian cinemas have English versions of the most popular current movies. 

You can go to Royal Films or Cinemark, grab some popcorn, and see what’s currently showing. The last few years, they’ve had new ghost and zombie movies come out, but they often will show old classics like Halloween at discounted rates, too

Go to a Nightclub

Courtesy of Vovo Tucan Noticias

As I mentioned earlier, nightclubs are the place to be on Halloween. Not only do you get a good excuse to go out, but you can dress up and strut your stuff in a costume!

You don’t have to go with a group of friends, either. Plenty of people hit the clubs alone to party, whether it’s Halloween or another night. 

Visit a Haunted House

If you’re in a major city, there’s almost always a haunted house or two that pops up. These are really meant for kids, but it’s still fun to go and get scared anyway. 

Participate in a Pet Parade

Unless you live in Colombia, you’re not likely to have your fur baby in tow. But, if on the off-chance you did bring your pet with you, you can participate in a pet parade at one of the local malls. 

Many malls have pet costume contests, where you can have Fido strut his stuff in a cute suit. Pet shops sell tons of costumes around this time, so you’ll have no problem picking something up. 

Carve Pumpkins

Courtesy of Women’s Day

Although Halloween pumpkins aren’t sold year-round, you can pick up beautiful, round pumpkins from your local grocery store around Halloween time!

These are way cheaper than in the US, too, with most going for just a dollar or two. Take them home and carve them into scary faces to celebrate the season!

Enjoy Pumpkin Everything at Starbucks

Starbucks in Colombia comes out with pumpkin spice lattes and other fun drinks around Halloween. Treat yourself to one of these beverages and pair it with one of their seasonal cookies or a slice of carrot cake to round out the experience. 

You can find things like the Franken Frappe or the Vampire Frappuccino closer to Halloween, as well. Personally, I’m not a frappuccino girl, but since the weather is always warm, it’s not a bad excuse to grab one if you do like them. 

Host Your Own Party

Colombians will rarely turn down a party, so if you do decide to go all-American and host an event, you can!

This is a great chance to share your own culture with Colombia. Just be warned: parties in Colombia involve dancing and alcohol, so make sure you’re prepared for both!

Celebrate Halloween in Colombia

Halloween in Colombia is quite different from what it is back home in the US. Still, it’s a great time to get out and spend time with friends. 

Personally, I’m always up for the challenge of coming up with a Halloween costume. I may have yet to win a prize at a nightclub, but that’s not going to stop me from trying again this year!

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About Me

Hey! I’m Jess!

I’m a 23 year-old writer currently living in Cali, Colombia and pursuing my dreams of being a digital nomad. Follow along on myadventures and learn more about this amazing country with me!


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